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Winners of the Winter Treehouse Contest
The time has come: The winners are here!
Yes, you read that right – there are three winners! Due to the overwhelming number of participants, we decided to select three pandas who particularly impressed us with their fantastic treehouses.
Your creativity made it very hard for us to choose, but after careful consideration, we are excited to announce the winners:
Congratulations! As a prize, you will receive Pingoo the Penguin, who will soon move into your treehouses.
Lastly, we would like to thank all participants for their dedication and wish you a wonderful Advent season!
2 miesiące temu
AWW TY, i love you all! also bas my biggest fan
2 miesiące temu
2 miesiące temu
sonni cooked 🥵
2 miesiące temu
Great job from judges for awarding Nugget's pile of trash with a penguin